Your Life Between Lives session can be purely clinical, or as magical an experience as you desire. I have gathered a variety of enhancements which may be blended into your session (at no extra cost) upon request. Many of these ideas have come from my beloved professional colleagues, as noted.
I am inviting into this room the Light and Love of the Divine, and those Spiritual Beings who have a loving interest in our development.
Guides, Elders, Masters, Angels, join us now on this celestial journey. I welcome my own Guides, and the Guides of my ‘traveler.’
Open our Eyes, open our Minds, open our Hearts, that we may receive the spiritual guidance we need now.
Thank you.
I am inviting into this room the Light and Love of the Divine, and those Spiritual Beings who have a loving interest in our development.
Guides, Elders, Masters, Angels, join us now on this celestial journey. I welcome my own Guides, and the Guides of my ‘traveler.’
Open our Eyes, open our Minds, open our Hearts, that we may receive the spiritual guidance we need now.
Thank you.

Anointing of Oils
You may choose to be anointed with an essential oil. This is a faint touch at your forehead, throat, and wrists, which helps with relaxation and clarity of perception. (from my friends Morrin Bass, NY & Susan Hanley, N. CA)
Crystals & Stones
A quartz crystal or semi-precious stone may be used in your session. At certain points, we may find that your guide will encode information and his or her energy signature into the mineral matrix. Afterwards, in daily life, it may be held as a touchstone to recall the presence and wisdom of this loving being. (from my friend Rosemarie Ballmer, Switzerland)
Candles, Incense, Music, etc.
Candles, fine incense, music, and other enhancements can be used in your session, at your request. You are welcome to bring in your own favorite 'flavors' as well.
Energy Work
You will not be physically touched without your permission. However, at your request, I can use two powerful energy techniques to enhance the session by promoting calmness and balance. The first is Reiki, a channeling of universal healing energy. Another useful technique is EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, which involves tapping lightly with the fingertips on various points which correspond with energy meridians.
Heart Meld
The Heart Meld is a simple but very beautiful way of connecting you with others you may meet in your session, including spirit guides, Elders, and loved ones. (from my friend Chuck Frank, Florida)
~ Dr. Newton's excellent methods provide a most solid framework, and I am always open to new ways of enhancing LBL sessions to give you the most profound and enjoyable experience possible.
You may choose to be anointed with an essential oil. This is a faint touch at your forehead, throat, and wrists, which helps with relaxation and clarity of perception. (from my friends Morrin Bass, NY & Susan Hanley, N. CA)
Crystals & Stones
A quartz crystal or semi-precious stone may be used in your session. At certain points, we may find that your guide will encode information and his or her energy signature into the mineral matrix. Afterwards, in daily life, it may be held as a touchstone to recall the presence and wisdom of this loving being. (from my friend Rosemarie Ballmer, Switzerland)
Candles, Incense, Music, etc.
Candles, fine incense, music, and other enhancements can be used in your session, at your request. You are welcome to bring in your own favorite 'flavors' as well.
Energy Work
You will not be physically touched without your permission. However, at your request, I can use two powerful energy techniques to enhance the session by promoting calmness and balance. The first is Reiki, a channeling of universal healing energy. Another useful technique is EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, which involves tapping lightly with the fingertips on various points which correspond with energy meridians.
Heart Meld
The Heart Meld is a simple but very beautiful way of connecting you with others you may meet in your session, including spirit guides, Elders, and loved ones. (from my friend Chuck Frank, Florida)
~ Dr. Newton's excellent methods provide a most solid framework, and I am always open to new ways of enhancing LBL sessions to give you the most profound and enjoyable experience possible.