People who are already familiar with trance tend to enter into the hypnotic state more rapidly and with greater depth than those encountering this altered state of consciousness for the first time. It is necessary that all LBL clients experience and become comfortable with hypnosis prior to their session. The best preparation is a successful Past Life Regression, as this experience acquaints you with the hypnotic regression process. A Past Life Regression may be done with me or with another skilled regression hypnotherapist.
Some have done regression work in the distant past, and want to know what they can do now to prepare themselves for their Life Between Lives experience. Anything that calms and focuses the mind is wonderful. Various forms of self-hypnosis, meditation, contemplation, visualization, and guided imagery are widely available, and are excellent practice for hypnosis sessions.
You will appreciate being calm and relaxed before and after your LBL experience. Treat your appointment like a sacred vision quest by clearing your schedule and allowing yourself plenty of time around your session.
If you must travel a fair distance to your appointment, consider staying overnight near our location before or after your session. This will enable you to relax and enjoy your session time.
Physical Preparation
'Dress to regress.' Wear something simple, casual, and comfortable.
Eat a moderate meal beforehand so your appetite will be satisfied for a while.
Refrain from using substances such as alcohol, marijuana, and excessive caffeine before your session as these may cause difficulty during extended periods in trance. A cup of coffee or tea is fine.
Mental Preparation
You may choose to read Dr. Newton's books in advance of your session, but this is not required. Some feel that reading the books beforehand will influence or color their session, but I have found this not to be the case.
Do try and release any preconceptions or expectations. Come to your session with an open mind and an open heart.

Brief List of Questions
Bring with you a short list of questions you may have regarding yourself, your life path, your relationships, etc. It is usually possible to receive direct spiritual guidance during LBL Sessions.
Keeping this list to a single page or less (5-10 questions) will help you to focus and to determine what's most important at this point in your life.
Cast of Characters list
The ‘Cast of Characters’ list consists of the first names of people who have significantly impacted your life. Such a list may typically include relatives, loves, best friends (or antagonists), teachers, etc. The list should be condensed, including only the most significant people, rarely consisting of more than ten names. Also, include a few words that describe their personality, and how they affected your life.
Example: John - First Boyfriend. Sensitive, intelligent, ambitious. Taught me about love.
Comfort Items
LBL Spiritual Regression sessions are deep and rather lengthy, usually running several hours. For this reason, it is recommended you bring whatever you may need to make yourself comfortable for an extended period, such as a special pillow, blanket, water, snacks, teddy bear, etc. (Water, pillows, and blankets are on hand for your use.)
Recording Your Session
Your session audio can be recorded in digital format. MP3 files can later be emailed to you at no charge; or you may choose to have audio CDs of your session produced and mailed to you for a fee. You are also welcome to bring in your own recording device.
Although you will generally have clear recall of what transpires during your session, it is always nice to have some form of recorded version to keep for posterity and to remind you of those details which you may have forgotten.

After Your Session
Go home and relax. Be gentle with yourself. Allow the session to settle; you'll have time for thinking and analyzing later.
Drink plenty of water as LBL sessions tend to be dehydrating. Also, eat something solid to ground yourself.
You will sleep deeply and beautifully.
Go home and relax. Be gentle with yourself. Allow the session to settle; you'll have time for thinking and analyzing later.
Drink plenty of water as LBL sessions tend to be dehydrating. Also, eat something solid to ground yourself.
You will sleep deeply and beautifully.